Do you have a stiff neck from sitting at the computer all day?
I would assume that if you found this page, you were doing a Google search on something related to having a stiff neck, perhaps from sitting at the computer all day.
What can I do to help you? Well, I could recommend that you get a massage, take a pill, or drink yourself silly, but preventing a stiff neck may come down to having a chair with better ergonomic design, or not sitting at the computer all day in the same position.
I do a lot of the work I would usually do sitting in a chair in front of my computer in bed on an iPad 2, and perhaps this is the solution for you.
You can type, surf the net, make artwork, send emails, or click on buttons, while listening to your favorite music through headphones. It really is the perfect solution to prevent having a stiff neck from sitting at the computer all day.
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